President’s Manifesto July 27, 2023

Welcome to the first HCCO manifesto! I hope to create a series of essays on topics that are of interest to members of our community, relating them to the Ten Commitments that are the foundation of our belief system.

Given that we have a special election scheduled for August 8, 2023, I’d like to focus on social justice. As we know, social justice is about making sure that we respect and protect the dignity and worth of every human being. I would further add that for those of us with positions of privilege based on our education, gender, or other socioeconomic indicators have a duty to use that privilege to ensure that those who are vulnerable have space to make their own decisions and make their voices heard.

Which brings me back to the special election on August 8th. At issue is a proposal to change the way amendments to our state’s constitution are enacted. Currently, the standard to enact an amendment requires 50% plus one of the total vote. The proposal at issue in August would change that, requiring a 60% majority. This change would allow a small minority (40% of the vote) to hold the majority hostage.

It is no coincidence that this proposal comes up just a few months before the November elections in which voters decide on reproductive rights and access in this state. If this proposal passes, it will change a constitutional amendment process that has served us well for over 100 years, it will allow a minority to hold the wishes of the majority hostage, and it will dilute the power of the individual vote.

I won’t tell you how to vote in this election, but I know that I will vote in the way that protects the rights of individuals and ensures that their voices are heard—so I will be voting NO.


Special Election 2023


Childcare for All in Central Ohio